Notes Script
I am trying to reduce friction for some things like I don’t do that I would really like to do. For example taking digital notes when I think of things rather than acting upon them right away or just forgetting about it.
I create a script that would create new notes files for me.
if [ ! -d $NOTE_HOME ]; then
mkdir $NOTE_HOME
# Define the filename
CURRENT_DATE=$(date "+%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")
CURRENT_DATE_STRING=$(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
# Touch the file (create it if it doesn't exist)
if [ ! -f $FILEPATH ]; then
printf "# Note ${CURRENT_DATE_STRING}\n\n" > $FILEPATH
# Output the path
Then I created a bash function in my profile to open the newly created file.
note () {
open $(~/bin/create-note);
I also added a new workflow to Alfred so I can hit Option+Space type “note” and hit enter. And then works no matter where I am in the OS.
Now if I want to find a note I will just use Spotlight to search for what I am looking for.