Moving on from WolfNet

After three and a half years working at WolfNet Technologies I have decided to move on. In many ways it was a tough decision. At WolfNet I worked with a lot of good people including a great team of developers and an excellent manager. It is hard not to feel as if I am letting them down in some way. The primary deciding factor for me was my growing family. It is important for me to be able to spend as much time with them as possible. Spending two to three hours in the car commuting every day was not a good use of my time. Not to mention, getting stressed out with traffic every morning makes it really hard to feel positive about the rest of the day. Finding something that was either closer to home or at least a shorter commute was critical.

Additionally, after working with ColdFusion for nearly 10 years I feel confident in saying that it is not the right tool for any job. It is not a good scripting language. So many of the issues I encounter on a daily bases are just not issues in other languages. I could go into more detail but suffice to say it is no longer a language that I am interested in including in my skill set. Don’t get me wrong, I have learned a lot during my time using CF and I will take those lessons with me. Also if anyone has questions for me regarding CF I will be more than willing to share my experiences.

Next on the horizon is a Software Engineer position with CaringBridge. CaringBridge is a non-profit organization that works to ease the process of communicating with family and friends for people experiencing a health crisis or otherwise in need of support. There I will be working primarily with PHP but ultimately whatever tool is right for the job.

I am sure this new position will come with its own set of challenges and I will face them with the same energy as always. That being said, it will also come with the great feeling of knowing that the work I am doing is directly helping families during a difficult time in their lives.