Git Resources

I am going to be giving a presentation on Git at work in a few weeks, so I have been looking over my old notes and resources for Git. Over the years I have collected links to a number of articles, videos, and other things that I have found useful. I figured I might as well share those here so I can easily refer other people to them.

Something I think is invaluable to developing confidence in using Git and exploring its capabilities is getting at least a rudimentary understanding of how it functions under the hood. It seems that a lot of people agree with that idea, and a lot of the resources I have collected have to do with just that.


Articles & Webpages


Other Tools

  • Git-it - Desktop App for Learning Git and GitHub
  • Git Extras - repo summary, repl, changelog population, author commit percentages and more
  • GitHub Hub - extensions for Git CLI for GitHub
  • GitHub CLI - CLI for GitHub
  • GitLab CLI - CLI for GitLab